AWA Vacuum Coated & Metallized Products Market Review 2023

AWA Vacuum Coated & Metallized Products Market Review 2023 provides the current status of key aspects of the industry, including global and regional volumes; market structure; market characteristics by substrate; and growth rates. Raw material trends are also assessed. The report is a practical tool for producers of vacuum coated and metallized products, their material suppliers, and users of vacuum coated and metallized products.

What’s in it for you?
  • Essential market figures
  • Market structure & characteristics
  • Market sizes
  • Product markets characteristics by region
  • Vacuum products market characteristics by substrate
  • Vacuum coated products market growth rates
  • Raw material assessment & trends
  • Company profiles of metallizing/vacuum coating companies
Table of contents

1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Methodology
1.3. Definitions, Units & Abbreviations
1.3.1. Definitions
1.3.2. Geographic Coverage, Abbreviations & Units

2. World Vacuum Coating & Metallizing Markets
2.1. World Vacuum Coated & Metallized Products Volume

3. Market Structure and Regional Markets
3.1. Market Structure
3.2. Vacuum Coated & Metallized Products – Regional Markets
3.2.1. Europe
3.2.2. North America
3.2.3. Asia
3.2.4. South America
3.2.5. Africa & Middle East

4. Vacuum Coated Products Market – Market Growth Rates
4.1. Global & Regional Growth Rates for Vacuum Coated Products
4.2. Global & Regional Growth Rates for Vacuum Coated Paper & Board
4.3. Global & Regional Growth Rates for Vacuum Coated Films
4.4. Challenges for Future Growth in Vacuum Coated Product Volumes
4.4.1. Environmental and Sustainability Issues
4.4.2. Costs

5. Raw Material Cost Trends

6. Company Profiles Metallizing and Vacuum Coating Companies

7. AWA Publications


AWA Labeling & Product Decoration Annual Review 2019 provides an overview of the global and regional label markets. The Annual Review provides the current status of key aspects of the industry, including global volumes; market structures; market characteristics by region; and growth rates. Raw material trends and M&A activity are also assessed. The report is a practical tool for producers, material suppliers, and all companies involved in the value chain.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 Methodology
1.2 Definitions & Abbreviations
1.3 World Labeling & Product Decoration Markets

2. World Label Markets
2.1 World Label Volumes/Demand
2.2 Market Structures
2.3 Label Market Characteristics by Region
2.3.1 Europe
2.3.2 North America
2.3.3 Asia
2.3.4 South America
2.3.5 Africa & Middle East
2.4 Label Market Characteristics by Substrate
2.5 Label Market Growth Rates

3. Label Market Opinion Survey

4. Raw Material Assessment & Trends

5. Merger & Acquisition Activities

6. AWA Publications*

* Preliminary

The report includes:

  • Global volume
  • Regional volumes
  • Global and regional segmentation by label format (pressure-sensitive, glue applied, sleeving, in-mold, and other)
  • Regional end-use segmentation
  • Growth rates by region and label format
  • Global and regional label market characteristics
  • Label market structures
  • Global and regional label market characteristics by material
  • Raw materials assessment
  • Merger and acquisition activity
  • Results of the AWA industry survey

Additional information


Annual Review


Single User License, Corporate Site License



Release Year



Metallizing & Vacuum Coating

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